Pea protein and estrogen / oestrogen / phytoestrogen

Pea protein is a complete plant-based source of protein. If you use pea protein or are thinking about using pea protein, I suspect you’re probably interested in your diet, and think carefully about what you eat. A frequent question in relation to protein powders, specifically vegan-friendly powders is, does pea protein contain estrogen / oestrogen / phytoestrogen? In this post, we find out, based on scientific papers and numbers, not blog-science and bro-science. What is estogen / oestrogen / phytoestrogen […]

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Green web hosting review

If you’re interested in starting a website, one of your many considerations will be who you purchase your domain name and website hosting from. Like every other purchasing decision you make, this choice will result in you contributing to this business’s ongoing success. BATC encourages you to opt for businesses whose business practices aim result in a better society. In this case we think its easy to opt for a domain registrar and web host that considers its energy usage and uses […]

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Is pea protein complete?

Whether you’re a nutritionally-concerned vegan, a frequent exerciser looking to supplement protein, or just interested in dietary choices, you may have asked yourself, “is pea protein complete”? Is it nutritionally sufficient to use as my main protein source? Unfortunately, the internet is full of poorly referenced blog articles indirectly citing one another. This post is different! We’ve examined scientific papers ourselves and have got the graphs to prove it.  What do we mean by ‘a complete protein’? Protein is a […]

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Car sharing – North Vancouver

car sharing north vancouver

Vancouver is supplied with some of the best car sharing services in the world. The fleets of vehicles found in Vancouver are some of the largest in any cities. Overall, there are approximately 3,000 vehicles in total across the 4 main competitors Evo, Car2Go, Modo and Zipcar. However the service is concentrated on the lower mainland. What about car sharing in North Vancouver? Companies Of the 4 main car sharing companies in Vancouver, only Zipcar does not cover North Vancouver. […]

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Car2Go free minutes

Car2Go is one of two main competitors providing one-way car sharing services in Vancouver. Car2Go are big and experienced, and have *driven* the one-way car sharing market. In this post we’re going to review why it’s worth signing up with Car2Go and how you get some Car2Go free minutes. An overview of Car2Go Car2Go are an internationally renown company, with car sharing operations in 25 locations and 3,500,000 members globally.  They have around 14,000 vehicles in their global fleet, with […]

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Pea protein smoothie

Shakes and smoothies are great ways to bulk up breakfast or support your body’s calorific and nutritional needs. Especially if you’re lazy, busy, or just enjoy being efficient with meal prep time! A pea protein smoothie is a great base for a nutritional shake that is super easy, quick, and convenient to make at home. In this post we’re going to take a general look at the pea protein smoothie and look at a few recipes. Why smoothies? Growing up in […]

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Zipcar vs Car2Go

Edit May 2020: Both Zipcar and Car2Go are no longer operating in Vancouver. Check out the remaining car-sharing services in Vancouver here. Zipcar and Car2Go are car-sharing companies with international operations. They both have fleets of 10,000+ vehicles, and 10+ year histories. However, although it seems like a valid comparison on the surface, Zipcar vs Car2Go is actually like comparing apples and oranges. You shouldn’t, as they’re different things. Zipcar vs Car2Go – General service Zipcar and Car2Go are designed […]

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